Below are some of the on going side affects I have encountered and how I combated them.
Loss of Taste
There really is not a lot to do to gain taste back. This is one thing that appears to have to run it's course. I do think the best method is to eat and it will help stimulate the mouth and can bring taste back faster. In other words, work those taste buds into action. Start using them.
Loss of Saliva / Dry Mouth
Pilocarpine: This is a prescription from my doctor that is to help stimulate saliva in mouth. It may work a little but I honestly do not see it helping that much.
Brush Teeth: For some strange reason I find that brushing my teeth helps stimulate my saliva glands. Not sure how or why it does it, but it does seem to work. So if I have dry mouth at night, I get up and brush my teeth.
ACT Lozenges: These will help while sucking on them and for a short period after they have dissolved.
Water: So far this is the best method to moisten the mouth. Drink lots of water.
I developed this about 2 month after treatment ended. Mine is in left ear and not severe at all.
Place a heat pad on your ear for a few minutes. This increases blood flow and has shown to reduce it for me.
There is no cure or proven medication that helps. But there are medications such as Lipo Flavonoid that have helped some people. There are also white noise videos on YouTube that some claim to help them. This is something we each have to experiment and find what works. If you have this and is severe, your doctor can send you to a specialist that can help you with calming exercises that help you to live with it.
I have read that anxiety medications have also reduced the sound for some people but be careful using this as it can be addictive. Regardless of what medication used, it can take 2-4 weeks to see a difference.
This is not severe for me so really do not put a lot into it but mouth and throat exercises do help. You can see some exercises here. If it gets bad, it is recommended to ask your doctor to refer you to a specialist who will help you work your throat muscles for swallowing.
Neck Swelling
I was told by my doctor that I do not have Lymphedema but I do have some swelling in my neck near surgery point from fluid under skin. The swelling is caused by fluid build up due to the fact that some lymph nodes are gone.
I am doing neck and massage exercises that you can see here.
My doctors are amazed at how I pulled through treatment with no serious side affects. I will be honest that I do not give myself the credit. I believe the sole reason for this is my belief, faith and surrender to Jesus. My faith is in Jesus for a complete healing.