
The following are questions I ask to my treatment team. I have an excellent team and they take as much time as needed to answer all my questions. If you have any team member who seems in a hurry or avoids answering all your questions, you may want to think about having that person on your team.

What are dangers and side effects of surgery?
What exactly will be done during surgery?
Will any nerves, muslces or veins be cut or removed?
How long will the above take to rebuild?
Are there any alternatives to surgery?
How will I feel after surgery?
What can I use on my surgical scar to help in healing and reduce scaring?
Are there any restrictions such as my job or workouts?

Are there any alternatives to radiation/chemo treatment?
How long will radiation/chem treatment last?
What is the process for chemotherapy and what can I expect?
What is the process for radiation treatment and what can I expect?
What dose of treatment will I receive?
What are the more common side effects?
How far into treatment do side effects start?
How long after treatment ends do side effects start to reduce?
Are there any foods/drinks that help with inflammation for burns and sores?
What exercises will help with the jaw to keep it moving?
Any special sprays or mouthwash to help with inside mouth
Any special lotions or creams to help with burns on skin?
Can I take vitamins during treatment?
Can this cancer be cured?
What is the life expectancy with this cancer?
When will my life return to normal?
How often will follow-ups take place and what will it involve?

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