
I cannot remember where I found these but I am following these exercises for my mouth and jaw

Swallowing Exercises
Tongue hold exercise (Masako exercise)
1) Put the tip of your tongue in between your teeth. If you cannot do this, put it against the front of the roof of your mouth. Stick your tongue out as far as you can.
2) Hold this position with your tongue and swallow. Try not to let your tongue tip slip back. Then, relax.

Effortful swallow exercise
1) Swallow normally, but squeeze hard with your throat and tongue muscles.
2) Then, relax.

Mendelsohn swallow maneuver exercise
1) Swallow normally; feel your voice box go up and down.
2) Swallow again. When you feel your voice box go up, squeeze hard and hold it up for 2 seconds. Then, relax.

Supraglottic swallow exercise
1) Take in a regular breath and hold it tightly.
2) While holding your breath, swallow; immediately, cough out the breath. Do not inhale before you cough.

Super supraglottic swallow exercise
1) Take in a regular breath and hold it tightly, bearing down as if you are having a bowel movement.
2) While holding your breath, swallow; immediately, cough out the breath. Do not inhale before you cough.

Shaker exercise
1) Lay flat on the floor or a bed.
2) Lift your head as if you are looking at your toes.
3) Hold your head in this position for 10 seconds. Increase the amount of time until you can hold it for 1 minute. Then, relax.
4) Lift your head and lay it back down (do not hold it up.) Repeat this movement 30 times.

Tongue range of motion (ROM) exercises
Tongue protrusion exercise
1) Stick out your tongue as far as you can until you feel a good stretch.
2) Hold it there for ____. Then, relax.

Tongue retraction exercise
1) Pull your tongue far back in your mouth, as if you are gargling or yawning.
2) Hold it there for ____. Then, relax.

Tongue lateralization exercise
1) Move your tongue as far to the left as you can so you feel a good stretch in your tongue.
2) Hold it there for ____. Then, relax.
3) Move your tongue to the right as far as you can until you feel a good stretch in your tongue.
4) Hold it there for ____. Then, relax.

Tongue tip exercise
1) Place the tip of your tongue behind your top teeth or on your gums.
2) While holding this position, open your mouth as wide as possible for ____. Then, relax.

Back tongue exercise
1) Say “kuh” with a strong “k” sound; move the back of your tongue as if you were going to say the “k” sound.
2) Hold this position for____. Then, relax.

Tongue Strengthening Exercises
You will need a tongue depressor or spoon to do these exercises.
Tongue tip strengthening exercise
1) Stick out your tongue as far as you can and push it firmly against a tongue depressor or spoon.
2) Hold this position for____. Then, relax.

Sides of tongue strengthening exercise
1) Place the tongue depressor or spoon against the left side of your tongue; push your tongue firmly against the tongue depressor or spoon.
2) Hold this position for____. Then, relax.
3) Place the tongue depressor or spoon against the right side of your tongue; push your tongue firmly against the tongue depressor or spoon.
4) Hold this position for____. Then, relax.

Top of the tongue strengthening exercise
1) Push down on your tongue with a tongue depressor or spoon. As you are doing this, push up with your tongue.
2) Hold this position for____. Then, relax.

Jaw Exercises
Active range of motion and stretching exercises
Sit or stand. Hold your head still while doing these exercises.
1) Open your mouth as wide as you can, until you can feel a good stretch but no pain. Hold this stretch for ____. seconds.
2) Move your jaw to the left. Hold this stretch for 3 seconds.
3) Move your jaw to the right. Hold this stretch for 3 seconds.
4) Move your jaw in a circle. Make 5 circles in each direction.

Passive Stretching Exercise
1) Place 1 thumb on your top teeth in the middle of your jaw.
2) Place the pointer (index) finger of your other hand on your bottom teeth in the middle of your jaw.
3) Open your mouth with your fingers, but do not bite down or resist. Let your fingers do all of the work.
4) Hold this stretch for ____. seconds.